Creating non-physical, negative spaces from sound – Waveforms in Grasshopper/Rhino

Today I got an email from the the Baltic International Summer School (B.I.S.S at HafenCity Universität Hamburg, HCU) with a link to the newly (online) published book about the workshop in which I was a participant in the summer of 2016. The topic of the workshop was "Urban futures - think the link". But my group went so far to explore the missing link - "What if bridges die?". We recorded the sound of bridges, and with the help of the plugin Mosquito for Grasshopper it was possible to import the waveform of the audio into Rhino. Based on the wave form we created a digital and physical representation of the sound.
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A very fractal Christmas, and a recursive new year

This December is apparently extreme with regard to weather in Stuttgart, where I am currently doing my internship. There have been storms, extreme cold and "heavy" snow fall. For a northerner like me it's practically a pretty decent winter so far, and I really do like snow. So much in fact that I decided I would finally script some recursive fractal snow flakes in C#! Enjoy this interactive parametric model!
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